Meet Heather


Greetings! My name is Heather Teague, I’m the founder and owner of Enso Healing and Meditation. The following will give you my background and how my life’s journey has been (and continues to be) filled with great fortune, so much so that I’m fortunate to have you reading this right now.

I moved to Charleston in 1994 after graduating from Wake Forest University. After moving to Charleston I started down the corporate path - completing my Masters in Business Administration, working in senior management for a federal government contracting company, and acting as Chief Financial Officer for a successful startup. I also got married and had two sons (Connor and Maddox). 

In an attempt to balance the demands of my family life and my corporate work life I began meditating in 2014. I am extremely grateful for the profound sense of peace, balance, and focus I’ve gained from my meditation practice. In 2016 I began receiving regular Reiki treatments which proved to be the perfect complement to my meditation practice. Reiki helped me restore my life force energy and has furthered my growth on all levels -  physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Taking my interests further, I became a certified McLean Meditation Institute Instructor and a certified Master Reiki Practitioner (Usui and Karuna Ki).

Thanks to Reiki and meditation, I’m a very different person now then I was just a few years ago (or even a few weeks ago it sometimes seems). I’m healthy, grounded, balanced and very comfortable in my own skin. I rarely become stressed and when I do encounter stressful situations, I’ve learned to manage them without becoming wrapped up in them. I’m a big fan of celebrating the humor in life with others. We’re all here together so it only makes sense to me that we enjoy ourselves and each other and laugh as much as possible. Overall, I live a healthy happy heart-centered life and feel extreme gratitude for all the beings in my life (2-legged and 4-legged) and for our beautiful and bountiful planet.

It is my intent to provide my clients with effective Reiki and meditation coaching in hopes that they can also achieve benefits that allow them to live their lives in a more healthy, balanced, authentic, joyful, and heart-centered manner. Please feel free to contact me with any questions!