Enso Name & Logo


I’m frequently asked about the meaning behind the Enso name and logo. Enso is a Japanese word meaning “circle” or “circular form”. The enso symbol is a common subject of Japanese calligraphy and Buddhist enlightenment and has other names such as Zen Circle, the Circle of Enlightenment, the Lost Symbol of Reiki, and the Infinity Circle. It is traditionally painted in black ink wash onto thin white paper as one circular brushstroke, a singular brushstroke allows for no modifications. Artists paint enso as either a closed or open circle. While the closed circle can represent wholeness or totality, an open circle can represent the beauty of imperfection and the idea that the enso is not something separate but rather part of something greater. Even though it appears to be a simple variation on a circle, the enso represents much more. 

Creating an enso is a truly mindful experience as it is an expression of the artist in the present moment. One must let go of expectations in order to allow their body and spirit to express their innermost self freely. This allows one to connect to their inner wisdom and strength and is why the enso is a symbol of enlightenment.

The oak tree is an iconic image in the Lowcountry of South Carolina and a symbol of strength and interconnectedness. Oak trees grow slowly and can live for hundreds of years, they are a symbol of stability as their branches stretch as far below ground as the branches do above. The oak tree is also symbolic of the Tree of Life which represents our interconnectedness to everything.

The Enso Healing and Meditation logo integrates the oak tree into the enso symbol to represent the anchoring of ourselves into the present moment which supports our ability to grow and flourish. When we are under stress (physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual) and distracted from the present moment, we lose our connection to our own inner wisdom and our capacity to feel universal interconnectedness. I chose the Enso name and designed my logo as a symbol of my desire to assist clients with achieving a healthy stress-less life that is grounded in the present to allow them to maximize their potential while living a truly happy life. And if you think you see a somewhat subliminal human figure integrated into the trunk of the oak tree to further represent this anchoring and flourishing, you would be right!
